Getting Closer to the Finish Line, in a Sense: the Jolly Good Update

I do not, as a rule, post here. But I couldn't resist telling you that I'm getting there, slowly but surely. I'm about three million words deep into Jolly Good: Tea and Scones, and am working on the final sequence of Chapter 7d. (There are seven chapter sevens, as it happens) after which there is the final Chapter 8 to write.

There is a good deal more to write, and "getting closer to the finish line" might suggest that I am nearer than I am. But I wanted you to know that I am writing every single day, adding tons of adventures, twists and turns, and time with your favorite characters, and also time with characters that you weren't aware are your favorites, but they *will be*.

I say this because five or six years is a long time between games, and it's hard to keep up a community of readers in that context. I have been urged by more than one person around me to chop this game up into several parts, so I can drop games more frequently, but I don't want to do that. I want this game to look a certain way and be this stupid-long amount of words.

So if I can bury the lede down here, I made a Patreon: in which you play a snippet of the game in progress and where you can read various musings about my process and hopefully get a community together in this year as the final form of Tea and Scones takes shape. I have never done such the thing before. We'll see how it goes.

For those of you who have read my games and written encouraging things and created art for these characters, thank you. I am not a very online person, but I did want to stop by to say hello and thanks.

Now back to writing.

Edit: Now with Fitzie short story posted!