A royal FUCK YOU to whoever brought their whiney brat to the Shakespeare play
This isn't going to be too long of a post but the title says it all. Anyway, someone decided it would be a great idea to bring their 3 year old to see Julius Caesar to the theatre the other night. And of course the thing whined through the whole first act, the mother would make a huge scene of taking her out once she started screaming and would come back in. Luckily they left during intermission.
So like...I don't know who needs to be told this but SHAKESPEARE IS NOT FOR BABIES HOLY SHIT. There is so much death and blood and murder and other bad things that happen. Oh and also, your brat doesn't know basic English why the fuck would they understand a word of Elizabethean English. Also I know this might sound crazy but anyone who brings their kids to live theatre are selfish pricks. Obviously there's an age where they learn to behave but if theyre at the age where they think its fun to just shout things and you go "shh" right after like they know what that means, get a babysitter for fucks sake. People work hard on these shows, people pay money and travel to see them, your baby will not appreciate any of that. They might appreciate Barney the Musical or whatever is out there.
Also disclaimer: yes I know there are Shakespeare stories that are toned down and released to be more child friendly but obviously not for children that young. And if someone wants to make me a children's version of Titus Andronicus I'd actually love that.