Friend said she wanted to use me as a surrogate

I am still trying to recover because I am low-key horrified. I went out with a friend today and was walking on a bridge when a child almost bumped into me. I avoided the kid and then told my friend that I don't like kids (she is aware of this because I've said it multiple times), and she proceeds to say, " What? I was hoping I could use you as my surrogate. " I was so confused by what she said, and I thought I heard her wrong because I've always been vocal about my dislike of kids. So I asked her what she was talking about. She proceeds to say that a year or two back, she went to the doctor because she was in a lot of pain, and they told her it would be difficult for her to have kids. So she thought she could use ME as a SURROGATE when I've always been clear of my stance on having kids. I kind of laughed it off because I was speechless and in disbelief for a moment. Was and still am terrified.