Update (as requested) on my neighbor that lets his kids outside to scream
Thank you to everyone who responded to my post with suggestions on how to deal with the situation! The Aztec death whistle and air horn that I ordered from Amazon came yesterday.
The air horn is super loud lol, and my boyfriend has it by the front windows, ready to go for the afternoon session; he doesn't want to use it at 6am.
The Aztec death whistle unfortunately scares the piss out of my cat, literally. I saw a YouTube video where someone had it hooked up to a vacuum to keep it continuous, and was testing it out and the poor guy started yowling and ran upstairs and hid, but not before peeing on the floor, so it's going to be a last resort.
Last night, as the kids were doing their nighttime scream session, I was cooking and had my music on shuffle, and a Jpop song came on (Babymetal btw, great band!). I could hear the dad start complaining about 'Jap crap music,' so of course I turned it up as loud as it would go, and then switched to my Jpop play list. He HATES it! He brought the kids inside, and didn't let them out again. I think I've found my solution! 😂