Things I have learned since moving to Chicago

I've moved to Chicago about 12 years ago and lived here on and off for seven. I've been all over the country but there are some Chicago things I've learned

  1. Don't put ketchup on a hot dog. This is borderline religion
  2. The busses are coming back into your lane whether you let them or not. You being right next to them does not matter. Best to just let them in.
  3. It's almost impossible to get a moving violation (except cameras). If you see someone pulled over....they did some things.
  4. If you put your flashers on...park anywhere you want. Including sidewalks. Flashers give you about two hours of free parking.
  5. Don't park in private lots though. They will boot you.
  6. You need a parking sticker to park in Chicago. They let you know by giving you a $165 welcome to Chicago ticket. I would have preferred a muffin basket.
  7. At least 2 cars and up to 5 cars will turn left after the light has turned red. Count on it.
  8. Horns are acceptable and encouraged. If you are from the west coast, this will come as a shock.
  9. Before you sit down on the L, make sure the seat isn't wet. Otherwise urine for a surprise. Especially true on the blue line.
  10. If you see a gorgeous 2 bedroom apartment for $1,200...its probably right next to an L line. If you don't want to hear the train....3 to 4 blocks away should do it.
  11. People are generally pretty nice here. Granted I grew up in NY but still.

I'm sure I am forgetting a bunch. But that's what jumped to mind.

Edit: I can't believe I forgot this one. 12. Two words: Alley couches.