White Repertoire Recommendations?

Easter Sale is going down on Chessable and i'm looking for a single (not multiple parts) full lifetime repertoire.

>! I've been and london pleb until 2000 and am now steering towards 2200 rapid with the jobava. Naroditskys course seriously lacked sidelines, so i bought cantys course aswell. But couple hundred (maybe thousands) games later, it seems the opening is not oppressive enough to get an edge vs even slightly booked up opponents. I want something that dictates the variant and doesnt ask the opponent, which transposition they'd prefer to play. !<

I am eyeing Take it Simple e4 v2.0, since it's only 400 trainables and i enjoy the take it simple black course very much.

So if you can wholeheartedly recommend a course for white, id love to hear it.