Every joke/gag post oddballs
To Old to order off the kids menu. And I'm CaptainSparklez. Furry Chester Talking Angela Jew Wario Gay dead muppet gangbang It's a complete turn off. It's incredibly misleading! Sega, you got a lot of nerve. Evil dirtbag with chainsaw You gave all our money to Jeffy Brony rant guy Shima Am I right lads or am I right lads PING This is a replica of Andy's room from Toy Story Gay potion Kermit and I am the devil horrorskunx He didn't have a knife? Jax pooka lives AndrewJohn100 dear God, Thank you for the food we are about to receive and thank you for the friends and family Fates of Undertale Yucky the clown WTF Non-advertiser, friendly rant SML Mario milk chair YOU LIED TO ME PHIL GameCubeDude go fuck yourself and then go die. That's not how you treat a woman, sir I want to spread the word of GOD Holy gazingas I'm Mr. Beast in Ohio! Your the worst friend ever Jack Sinclair! Sam procrastinates knuckles review Scooby poo.