CMV: Modesty should be more valued, but both men and women are dressing more provocatively than ever.
Don't get me wrong, I am not condemning anyone for the way they dress but rather I'm bringing in a different perspective. I believe that in this day and age, beauty standards have completely changed where being almost half naked is normalised. Women wear the most skimpiest outfits where their whole legs or stomach is showing, and if not it'll probably be the tightest outfit they got in the closet. Now let me make this clear, I am NOT talking about everyone. I am talking about the women who have no problem going out in public with shorter-than-short shorts, completely revealed stomach and sometimes even breast (don't get me started about when you visit the beach). I say this as a woman myself, I truly believe that yes it's your own body so do what you want, but also treasure that body and don't reveal it to the whole world. You don't have to show it off to appreciate and love your body. Society normalises this too much it's almost pitiful to see, and the younger generational girls aren't getting any better.
Now for the men, they seem to be getting a free pass on showing just as much or even more skin then women. They wear tight clothes, go shirtless, and even wear the tightest shorts that you'd think were underwear. It's sad to see that these guys rely on their body to garner attention. This is especially so with this whole gym and body building trend. Now here's the catch, men aren't as 'pressured' or 'expected' to dress more revealingly although it is still prevalent in social media and body building communities. The average guy probably wears a decent outfit (decent sized shirt + pant) unless they're at the beach or are simply attention seekers. The truth of the matter is, men aren't as sexualized as women are. They are generally physically stronger than women, so, although this may sound harsh, a grown male can easily go 'after' a grown female by force and it 'generally' doesn't work vice versa. Feminists out there will probably be outraged but i'm simply saying it as it is. It definitely isn't an easy or fun thing to accept but modesty should go both ways, I just believe that it isn't at the same level for both genders. These 2 genders are NOT the same, they have different characteristics so there will naturally be different rules and standards. This may seem like an old fashioned way of thinking, feel free to bring up your perspective, but men and women were not built the same.
My point is basically that you don't have to dress revealingly to be confident, and dressing modestly isn't being insecure but rather treasuring your body and protecting it from weirdos out there, even for men. You don't need people to be impressed by your body to gain respect, respect and validation should come from who you are rather then it being, majority of the time your body. If you truly love your body then protect it, modesty isn't a way to confine yourself, it's a way for YOU to love yourself and not for others to.
I'm interested to hear the counter arguments you guys have for me. Try and change my perspective.
Edit: SO why should it be valued:
1, it lets you be seen beyond physical appearance, where you know your worth and aren't willing to let just anyone see your true beauty.
2, less pressure by society to look a certain way, especially with the unrealistic standards, you become a more authentic and humanised version of yourself.
3, It builds and takes discipline to truly be modest so you work on yourself in a way that isn't pressured by society and rather by your own beliefs.