CMV: The word "please" is unnecessary
Is every comment gonna be downvoted? I don't get how I'm expected to engage if everyone is like "Nah, fuck her."
Do I have manners? Of course I do. Do I find them necessary? No. It’s like running a script you know is pointless but still doing it because it’s expected.
"Please" for example. It's literal definition is its use. "Used in polite requests or questions." Why is it polite? Ask anyone and they will tell you "I don't know, it just is?" This is because manners do not follow any train of logic. The question "Hey, can you pass me that?" and "Hey, can you pass me that, please?" are the same sentence. They are both phrased as requests rather than demands. Adding "please" doesn't add any meaning to the sentence, change the phrasing or the tone. This is because "please" is nothing but a politeness marker. Another example taken from the Oxford dictionary "Please, address the editor." This is a demand that has been made polite through "Please". How else can it be made polite? Turning into a request instead of a demand. "Will you address the editor?" It is polite because you are requesting. You are addressing whether then person is willing or comfortable to do so by turning it into a question.
It’s similar to how some traditions persist just because "that’s how things are done," even if no one can explain a practical reason for them. They do not serve any purpose other than being part of the script everyone has learned to follow to smooth social interaction, but this only smooths social interaction because people have absorbed them and internalised them. They only hold meaning because you're taught from a young age "Manners!" but if you ask anyone telling you this they won't have an answer the fits outside of circular logic.
So why are manners used? The script I mentioned. If somebody doesn't adhere to the script, it disrupts the flow. Why does it do this, because people are so attached to manners that they're thinking of the absence rather than the politeness you're already given our (how I explained phrasing can be just as polite as manners).
"Please" is basically a linguistic habit society never let go of, not because it’s needed, but because people expect it and if a word has no real function beyond signaling adherence to a social rule, then its purpose is entirely artificial.