CMV: It is theft for the Federal Government to accept tax money for Federal Services and then refuse to dole it out.
This is a simple argument.
Currently, the Trump Administration is threatening to destroy the Department of Education. The Trump Administration is doing this without any approval of Congress, which is already troubling. More troubling is that taxes were collected from US citizens to fund the Department of Education. We, as a country, through legislative acts, decided that this money was to be spent bettering the lives of our nation's children and college students.
If the Department of Education is closed, where is that money going? Where are these tax dollars disappearing to? In my mind this is Taxation Without Administration. It is the theft of real money paid we gave the federal government trusting that they would fulfill their obligations.
Now, I would like to believe that this is something other than an illegal act, but I'm going to need some evidence. "Trust me bro" or simply accusing Democrats of being the real bad guy are not answers to what is happening with this tax money or an explanation of how any of this is constitutional.
Edit: By posting this I did not realize how many people do not understand the federal budgeting process. It is patently untrue that the President gets a huge amount of money for the budget and then can do whatever they want with it. This webpage explains the role Congress has in allocating tax money and goes into mandatory and discretionary spending. It is not ALL discretionary and never has been