CMV: Australia Day Should Be Changed to Better Reflect and Respect All Australians

Australia Day is celebrated today January 26, marking the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788. However, for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, this date represents the beginning of colonization, land theft, and systemic oppression that led to the destruction of cultures, communities, and lives. Referring to it as a day of celebration ignores the fact that January 26 signifies invasion, not unity, for the First Nations people whose land was taken without treaty or consent.

The date has become a flashpoint for protests, with "Invasion Day" rallies growing in size every year. Statistics show that over 80% of Aboriginal people feel negatively about Australia Day. Beyond its historical connotations, celebrating on this day perpetuates the marginalization of Indigenous communities and sends a message that their trauma and history are not valued or acknowledged.

I believe moving the date would be a meaningful step toward reconciliation, allowing us to celebrate Australia in a way that respects all its people. However, I understand others argue that changing the date erases history or creates unnecessary division. I’m open to hearing opposing views: Should the date stay the same, and if so, why? Or is there a better alternative that could unite all Australians? CMV.