Chandler “admits” he did it (and implicates Cat)
Spoiler: This comes from today’s episode of the podcast Tapes From The Darkside, a not-very-good-at-all, extremely lackadaisical podcast where the host has been letting anyone even tangentially related to the case ramble for a few months now while he asks them literally no questions. The gist of the podcast has been not-so-subtly pointing the finger at Catherine for months at being complicit in this, which I find ridiculous and he even lets Andrew get high and ramble about Chandler being his best friend and ALSO claim Cat is a murderer. So, don’t go looking for any journalistic integrity in any of this. It’s also horrendous editing with lots of fade outs MID-QUESTION (he also speaks very slowly). The host also ONLY insults the females related to the case (even today he opens the podcast insulting the woman who agreed to be a guest by saying he couldn’t get a word in edgewise. Meanwhile, she is straightforward and to the point and has offered the most information of any guest he has ever had.)
But today’s episode was extremely riveting due to the guest that was on. A woman who, for 2 years, posed as a romantic love interest for Chandler for her thesis project. I initially was suspect of her story but later it is revealed she’s a victim’s rights advocate, and, because I also work very closely with incarcerated people and police, what she is describing is extremely plausible in terms of the access she has been given in the jails and prisons. I and others have done the same but we do it for women only for public health resources and such. People are always up and through the prisons.
Anyway, she offered A TON of insight today. Though Idk what I believe fully, partially, and what I outright think is a lie. She claims:
No one in Chandler’s family is legally allowed to speak to him. Even if they wanted to. He hasn’t spoken to anyone except his paternal grandmother. If letters are to be written, they must be passed to a social worker, scanned, and given to them but that was before verdict I believe she said.
He ADMITTED to her that he killed his parents and he told her he wanted to plead self-defense. He said he overheard his parents speaking about having a meeting at the college or setting up a meeting at the college the night before he killed them. He said he lured his daddy to the basement and laid in wait to then shoot him in the back. That his daddy was calling out to him looking for him. That he never knew what was happening. But she said his mama was fully aware and that he killed her the moment she walked in the door. She saw him and he shot her. Then he dragged her body down the stairs.
She said he claims that Cat was NOT AWARE of the killings but was fully aware of the clean-up and that there was too much blood in the upstairs part after he killed Krista for her not to have been. And that she went along with it because she just wanted to be with him and that she wanted to be there when he got the life insurance money later so they could live the fantasy life he sold her.
Chris Watts and Chris Coleman are apparently his MENTORS in prison. My mouth was wide open at this. Apparently Dodge puts all the family annihilators on one block and that he has adjusted well to it. They all get along because they don’t judge each other.
She said she caught him in numerous lies in relation to Cat and her family. And she said he feels betrayed by Cat to this day. He claims he stopped speaking to Cat like 5 months before he actually did. He claims Cat’s family nor his own ever did anything for him. He claims Cat betrayed him by testifying and so did her mom. He claims everyone abandoned him. Yet he still keeps the sweatshirt that Dulce bought for him while he was in jail. But he doesn’t speak about his brother supposedly.
She also said he is not someone who believes his own lies. He KNOWS he is lying. And when caught in lies, will simply cry and whine and apologize and admit to the lie. Which is scary to be honest.
She said he still mails and calls her all the time since she broke things off with him because he’s angry.
She also said that cellmate that was on here doing an AMA and who was recently a guest on the podcast talking about how he believes in Chandler and how good of friends they are? She confirmed he was indeed his cellmate but also said Chandler apparently says he’s a “clout chaser” and a weirdo. Something I wholeheartedly agree with. Also claimed that everyone in the 48 Hours episode were practically strangers to him. That he hadn’t seen his mom’s cousin in like a decade and that his college roommates were never there and they were basically like 2 ships in the night. But he DID admit to cheating on every girl he was ever with so the roommate couldn’t have been lying too much.
She says Chandler does not regret his crime, does not miss his family (only his dogs) and does not want his family to come visit him because he is extremely worried that they would try to get him to openly confess and then go tell the court and that would harm him chance of appeal. She said she tried to explain to him that that is not how it works and that the appeal depends on the facts of the original case and new possible evidence introduced. But she said he 100% believes he will be released one day.
I think that her insight gave me alot of insight to a deeply flawed person in a way we will likely never have. And I’m grateful she shared her time.
She also shared that she got an A on her thesis.
What do you guys believe or not believe?
Edit: OH! One more thing: She said that Chandler also said that Andrew is a fucking LIAR lol and that he did not give him that gun for free. That he bought that gun and that Andrew is gun-running all over the US. Which I know is a POPULAR theory and has been from day 1 in here. Who in the hell drives from Kansas to Wisconsin to meet someone you don’t know and give them an assault weapon for free? I think he was terrified of getting in trouble with the military as many pointed out and made that lie up on the fly.