UMich Chance Me (in state)
‼️I GOT IN EA - thank you everyone‼️
Rejected ED Northwestern, hoping for UMich LSA acceptance. :)
- White female
- In-state (MI)
- Rank: 9/173
- 31 ACT (35 english, 32 science, 30 reading, 29 math, 10 on writing)
- 3.993 UW gpa, 4.4 W
- 5 APS: Calc AB, Lang, Psych, Lit, Stats
- Creator and Editor in Chief of school newspaper for 3+ years
- 100+ volunteer hours at local hospital
- President of Girl Up Club
- Group leader of Mental Health Matters/Peer Up club
- Executive leader of a youth advocacy team
- Be Nice Club
- Rotary Interact Club
- Part of West Michigan’s osteopathic medical scholars
- Harvard summer school 2021: Intro to Neuroscience
- Harvard summer school 2022: Psychology
- Server at local country club (25+ hours a week)
- Presidential award all four years of HS
- Honor roll all four years
- Superintendent’s list all four years
- College Board national recognition scholar
- College Board rural and small town award
- NHS for 3+ years
- both harvard profs gave 10/10 LORs
- 2 other LORs from Calc AB teacher (7/10) and Newspaper advisor (10/10)
***** I am also a HAIL scholar (if accepted, full tuition covered)*****
Sincerely, a stressed senior.