Chances of Getting in to Gettysburg College, PA
My top school is Gettysburg College and it is a bit of a reach to say the least.
I applied as a history major, but plan to double major in business as well.
My GPA is around 3.7 weighted with 8 honors classes, 2 college classes, 2 APs (3 on Bio :( and 5 on APUSH), and I’m currently taking two more APs I applied test optional and EA in November.
I did a college visit there, interviewed with my admissions counselor (I believe it went ok), and recently applied for a scholarship for history majors there.
I have a few extracurriculars, varsity sports (XC and Track) for all seasons all four years, outside sports (Gaelic football and Hurling, which are both traditional Irish sports), a school club, and I did play the accordion in an Irish music group for a few years.
I’m pretty nervous, however, because I’m not sure if I’ll get in. With all that said, is it possible I’ll get in and is there anything else I should do to increase my chances of getting in?
P.S. I’m from a New York suburb, and if you couldn’t tell my parents are from Ireland.