My cat is pregnant, our first pregnancy help
We rescued a kitten from under a car, we thought was a boy, 6 months noticed no balls had dropped and he was a she, we scheduled to get her fixed as “he” was an indoor outdoor cat with our other cat and 3 dogs.. once we realized he was a she (he had 2 fuzzy balls next to his genitalia that looked like balls but we compared later to our female cat) we made an appointment to get her fixed but we were too late..
(Theres more details on then and now i could go a paragraph on but trying to get to the point)
This is our first pregnancy of any animal (all my other animals are fixed) and she looks ready to pop. What are the protocols as im in a 700 square foot house and theres not really anything for her to “nest” in except behind a washer/dryer or hot water heater which we want to prevent. Shes 9ish months old and very stubborn and has been keene on sleeping in our bed. We dont want her to pop them out on our bed either so we close the bedroom door.
1.What should i do to help her nest 2. Wheres a good place to set it up 3. Signs shes about to give birth 4. What if she doesnt accept them? 5. During and After birth care?
Just need some guidance.
We rescued a kitten from under a car, we thought was a boy, 6 months noticed no balls had dropped and he was a she, we scheduled to get her fixed as “he” was an indoor outdoor cat with our other cat and 3 dogs.. once we realized he was a she (he had 2 fuzzy balls next to his genitalia that looked like balls but we compared later to our female cat) we made an appointment to get her fixed but we were too late..
(Theres more details on then and now i could go a paragraph on but trying to get to the point)
This is our first pregnancy of any animal (all my other animals are fixed) and she looks ready to pop. What are the protocols as im in a 700 square foot house and theres not really anything for her to “nest” in except behind a washer/dryer or hot water heater which we want to prevent. Shes 9ish months old and very stubborn and has been keene on sleeping in our bed. We dont want her to pop them out on our bed either so we close the bedroom door.
1.What should i do to help her nest 2. Wheres a good place to set it up 3. Signs shes about to give birth 4. What if she doesnt accept them? 5. During and After birth care?
Just need some guidance.