Say Hi To My Baby Girl, Squeakie!

This is my baby girl, who I've had since March. She saved me.

I want to celebrate her being in my life, and share My Love to the rest of the community. If it weren't for her, I would have remained so deep in my depression and probably would've done something stupid.

She came from an abusive multiple cat home (not to mention 9 dogs who were also neglected horribly, as no one bathes them and they get fed f-ing mac n cheese every night in a hot cramped three bedroom home) absolutely flea infested, round worms, tape worms, you name it. She was neglected emotionally, she rarely spoke, and she only slept all day because no one was caring for her. Hardly played. The other cats were more competitive than her, so if one was getting churus, she would join but the other cats would push her out of the way. She wasn't being fed enough, and was given cheap dry cat food and cheapest wet food you can find. She eats small throughout the day, so when she had her momentary fill, a fucking beast of an orange cat would finish all of her food for the night. They only get fed once a day. The girl who had her barely had any money and only gave the other 3 cats attention, because she never sought it out. Not to mention, horribly cramped hot room, only two litter boxes which absolutely REEKED. And the family smoked indoors, and I'm talking PACKS a day. The girl said my now baby had allergies and one time I witnessed how bad they would get. Swollen gunk encrusted eyes, red sore patches on her face. It enraged me. It wasn't just her either, it was another kitten maybe 7 months old at the time. Just disgusting.

Since then, I found out that no, she doesn't have allergies, her environment was just HORRIBLE for any living creature. But with lots of love, experimenting with different wet foods (she prefers friskies steak and salmon mixed with a bit of extra water, since that's all she will eat, with a small portion of dry purina pro in the bowl), careful attention to her body language, her different squeaks and the meaning behind them, and TONS of playtime, she had begun to open up gradually and now she's the happiest she has ever been in her life. She's always squeaking when she sees me, she purrs up a storm and goes ham rubbing against me and getting pets. She runs around, jumps violently into her cat tower and throws her carrot around when I'm not actively playing with her and her favorite string. And every night she lays on me, sometimes if I'm lucky, she'll curl up in my arm right next to my face and I get to sleep on my little motorboat.

So anyway, I hope you enjoy these absolutely ADORABLE photos of the love of my life, who kept me together, remained consistent, and loved me when I felt defeated.

You gave me someone to love during a very hard time, where I struggled so deeply with any motivation. I wouldn't have been able to get out of bed if it weren't for you. I wouldn't be where I am without you Baby Girl. Thank you for being in my life.

I'm happy to be your eternal servant and treat provider.


Some of these photos are from a little earlier. She always had widened eyes until she adjusted. Now she's basically always looking like how she does in photos 6 and 8. Enjoy!!