Please give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't bring home an 8th (or 9th) cat

This kitten at my local mechanic shop is devastatingly beautiful. The guys at the shop say they can't get close to her without hissing but I can pet her and even pick her up. I strongly believe in bringing home kittens in pairs so I would choose a second one in this litter. I am in love with this grey kitten.

NOW all of this to say that I would not be abandoning the entire crew. I have had the misfortune of witnessing all of these cats and their parents be born and watch no one do anything so I have decided to be the driving force and do something. I am going to get everyone vaccinated and get some guidance from seasoned TNR folks to get the six adults in the colony fixed before they can have more litters.

Back to the kittens. I've already given the gorgeous girl a temporary name of pastrami. The graybie does not have a temporary name yet.

I can't think of one good reason not to keep them