Unpopular Nintendo franchises you love

I absolutely love the Yoshi series and Kirby series. Yoshi is my fave character ever, and I know he's a well loved character but I feel like his series fits the bill as Unpopular sadly. Kirby has never been as much of a big franchise either compared to Mario and Zelda. I think both are so underrated

For a lesser known one, Chibi Robo is another one i love. So far have only played Zip Lash and the original Chibi Robo. But the original Chibi Robo is a absolutely brilliant game that deserved way more love than it has. I feel sad that Nintendo caused the franchise to die with their stupid decisions and by moving it too far away from its original gameplay. But I'm looking forward to playing the English version of Clean Sweep, and I'm also excited for the spiritual successor. Hopefully one day Yoshi, Kirby, and Chibi Robo become a top Nintendo franchise too