Carnivore maxing
I was on a strict keto diet for 7 months, and this past month I’ve been transitioning to carnivore and have been steadily increasing my fat intake.
I used to eat a daily avocado and 3 eggs in the morning. Yet my mornings were always filled with random bursts of acetone breath, various energy swings and hunger cravings. I used to snack on pecans and other low-carb nuts after eating a few eggs at lunch as I thought I required the nutrients. I’d have steak only dinners and that’s when I felt my best.
Switching to carnivore is like experiencing keto all over again, all the good and the bad (gut adjustments). Though I still love avocados, I don’t buy them and I think that animal/butter fat is simply superior. My breakfasts with 3 eggs and 3 slices of bacon keep me well fed and satisfied. When I ate avocados, I used to have a daily washroom break 1-2 hours after eating. Since cutting that out, my urgent washroom breaks and loose stools are non existent.
After listening to many of you, I followed the advice towards cutting out spices containing oxalates. I only use sea salt. & I started eating the fat I would previously slice off and discard. I learned to love it and so did my body.
My energy levels are up, my food cravings are down, and my face is starting to glow. For 10+ years I’ve had a semi-serious issue with blackheads and now they are starting to disappear—for good.
I need advice on consuming more fats + protein throughout my work day (nothing that physical). Tomorrow I’m going to try adding cubed butter, and keep munching on cheese, but I cannot cook meat at work. My only source of protein during work is hard boiled eggs, and they’re great but I need to be steadily increasing my protein intake. I bought jerky and will try this tomorrow as well, but it’s quite expensive to buy a clean product with no sugar additives. (60g package for $10+ cdn). I feel great, but I simply want to increase my muscle mass and fat intake simultaneously. I don’t know if I can wrap my mind around eating a full stick of butter each day, but I might if it’s the best/most economical source of fats.
Thanks for any suggestions and sorry for the novel.