Please Help! I want to stay Carnivore!

Ok so this is gonna be long, So TLDR:

-I've been carnivore for almost 2 months- (some hot sauce and mustard). (A couple years ago, I was carnivore for about 9 months but fell of the wagon and went animal based the last couple years with some cheats/sugar here and there).

-2 weeks ago I started getting excruciating "attacks" (Just like gallbladder attacks, but I have NO gallbladder since 6 years ago), and my health has just started to snowball downhill since then.

-Drs don't know what's wrong yet after blood work and CT Scan. H pylori breath test: negative

-Does anyone have any ideas of what could be wrong with me, and can I stay carnivore? (could oxalate dumping cause this severe of an issue?)

Ok, so I went full bore carnivore 2 months ago eating tons of fat and protein. (This was a bad idea, I should have eased into it) No Dairy or carbs. Was feeling great. 2 weeks ago (and Idk if this might be a factor? But I had been eating a lot of pork/chicken recently and not a lot of beef for a couple weeks prior to this) I ate sausage and eggs and within about 2 hours, I had an absolutely excruciating (rolling around on the ground screaming/crying) "attack" in the center of my chest which lasted about 30 minutes. But then I didn't feel too bad, so we thought maybe it was gastritis or something? I ate a steak for dinner and was fine. The next day, ate flanken ribs for breakfast, another attack. Burger patties for dinner, another attack. By this point I thought maybe it was pancreatitis or something and decided to fast for the next 2 days, which did help to stop having attacks, but I felt terrible and could barely get off the couch. Even though I wasn't having attacks, but digestive system was so messed up; bloating, belching, diarrhea, and constant pain on center, back, and left side under ribs.

That second day of fasting (so four days since first attack) I felt awful and was dehydrated so went to urgent care. They gave me IV fluids with electrolytes and I felt a lot better (still in pain but more energy and hydrated). My lipase was 16 (normal/low) and WBC was normal, no fever or vomiting so they didn't think it was pancreatitis (3 different doctors don't think it was pancreas). The next day I ate a boiled egg and seemed to tolerate it. Then the next day I ate some chicken breast and had another attack. The following day I had 2 boiled eggs and had another attack. So I stopped eating again. But tried to keep taking electrolytes and drinking a lot of water.

So a couple days ago I had a CT Scan and they said everything looked fine except it seems I might have fatty liver, but if I have an ulcer or gastritis the scan was unlikely to pick it up.

So I've been eating the last couple of days, 2 scrambled eggs, a little lean ground beef, and shrimp. About 500-700 calories a day for the last 3 days.

I'm still having constant pain in my abdomen and now I'm having pain in my kidneys. I'm drinking about a Liter of water a day. I did an at home pee test and had high microalbumin, protein, creatinine, and bilirubin. I'm worried about my kidneys now and don't know what I should do. I read that eating high protein can cause toxicity but I was eating low fat to avoid attacks. It's also so hard to navigate this when all drs here are anti fat diets. I'm just really starting to freak out because my health has just absolutely tanked the last 2 weeks and I don't know what to do or where to turn. Any advice would be so appreciated, thank you!