Regret leaving old job for new one. Anyone else?

I dont know if it is guidance or me just venting. To summarize....

Was at old job for 5 years and it was alright. Pay was good, but boss was thee biggest dick in the world and everyone hated him. All of my coworkers though were great. Pay was good. Decided to take a chance and go somewhere less anxious and less stressful.

Well the grass isn't greener on the other side. Sacrificed about 20% of pay for a job where I work more and harder. My bosses are just as dickish and whiny. I commute more.

My pay is fine and I'm not asking for sympathy. I know a lot of people have it alot worse than I do.

I however have gone from being stressed after a job to I wake up early in the morning just shaking knowing I might have made the biggest mistake of my life. I dread going to work everyday and I want to punch myself everyday for deciding to leave a spot where I was just fine where I was at.

Has anyone else found themselves in this predicament? How did you cope or manage? I have had issues with mental health before but it was manageable. Now I'm shaking like I want to crawl out of my skin and want to seek therapy but know I can't because when in the hell am I going to be able to see a specialist?

And those asking, during the interview they sold me on how I would like the new place because less demanding work load and I bought into it.