Am I ending my career?

I am a mum of two small kids, and I am in my early 40s. I quit a toxic work environment and because it was so bad I left not having a new job so I was without work for 2 months in between. I finally got an offer and just started this week. I am way too experienced for this job, but I am hoping this means it won't be too hard. Manager seems great, people are nice and friendly, and it is only a 10 minute drive from my house, which is a completely new experience. It just seems like I am in a faze in my life where low stress, nice work environment and no commute is exactly what I need. Money is "only ok" but I just paid off my debt so I figured it's worth it due to other factors.

However I just got another offer for a high profile management position. I told them no as I aldready took another offer, but due to my experience they are asking me to reconsider and that they are willing to pay more. I am so torn between my previous ambitions and a desire to have a more relaxed life. My previous manager had a collapse due to stress (same position as the one they are offering, obviously different company) and has been out sick for quite a while, and it's not the first time I saw someone collpase due to stress. I just feel I am not up to this. I wanted the management position for so long, and now that I didn't want it anymore, I got it.

I am tired from my previous company's bad culture, I am tired from constant family responsibilites, I just want to finish work at normal hour and go do something nice with my kids, not thinking of work after office hours. But there is a part of me thinking that due to my age I will never again have an offer like this, and that I am being stupid not to take it. Is this a normal dilema or am I just that confused, I feel like it's strange not to go for management position, who doesn't like more money and a better contract, am I crazy?