tana and jelly roll

ok im a little behind on canceled podcast episodes but i just watched like half of the jelly roll and bunnie episode, and is it just me or did they kinda rub you the wrong way in this interview? jelly roll seemed kinda egotistical at some parts, like he was mentioning the award shows he's been to, mentioning numbers like how he had 1.6 billion views on youtube and how 5000 people who come to his shows, mentioning the two awards he won at the award show he just attended, or how he mentions god unlike the other people at some award show. bunnie even said something about how they are happy to do things with underdogs (referred to tana as an underdog but then clarified she isnt anymore lol). jelly roll was also saying how his show was a spiritual experience. he also joked about being scared of his wife and she kinda switched the topic after that. he also made this comment about how megan thee stallion made a headline and how he did that four years ago and didnt get a headline, that was pretty unnecessary. i feel like he has a way of twisting compliments he directs towards other people into a compliment for himself. idk i was getting egotistical/sanctimonious vibes from them, especially jelly roll. i feel like tana is actually super humble when she talks about herself and even constantly downplays her achievements and lifts everyone up. did you guys feel the same way?