Struggling with the chain rule.

Hi, I’m currently in calc 1 and struggling with the chain rule. Honestly it’s more specific types of answers. Such as a quotient rule chain rule combo. Or product rule chain rule. I understand them all separately and when asked to solve separately I can. But when out together I just can’t wrap my head around it. Or when looking at something like g(x • f(x)) and it’ll give us the values of x, g(x) and f(x) I just don’t understand how to solve it. If anybody knows any good notes or YouTube videos (preferably) I’d really appreciate it.

Im studying so much and the text book honestly doesn’t make sense to me. I feel like just crying bc of how mentally drained and annoyed I am with that not being to just grasp the concept. We’re learning implicit differentiation in two days and then deri’s of inverse trig functions. And I just want to nail this topic down so I don’t fall behind even though I already feel like I am. And if anybody has advice such as study habits or what not on when you don’t understand something I’d really appreciate it if it worked for you.

I usually try to do the problem alone. Then if I don’t understand it, try to watch a YouTube video and see but I’m not finding many on what I’m struggling with exactly. If I can’t find a video or if I do and it still won’t click I’d use photomath to get the answers and try to work backwards but I feel like I’m calc that’s impossible.