Sleep, a difficult piece of recovery
11 days post-op
Surprisingly, sleep has been a tricky part of recovery. I am NOT a back sleeper, I am a straight up stomach sleeper exclusively. Having to be on my back is not only hell, but it is exasperated with the elevation part.
My boyfriend works early at a Tire Place and he needs his sleep, my tossing and turning was not helpful to him. I gave in last night after scouring this subreddit and found a few tips.
Not sleeping is NOT helping my recovery or my days at work (I work 8 am to 5 pm from my bed on a laptop, also hell). Three methods helped:
Pushed myself down on the bed so my toes were hanging off the edge so I could sleep on my stomach. Put a pillow under my calf, not great elevation but it helped.
Laid on my stomach and put my leg elevator pillow under my knee. Ended up having my calf in the air backwards at a 45° angle 😅 but it worked!
I laid on my side and put a fluffier pillow between my legs (I laid on the good side).
These methods were tested last night and I think I got the most solid sleep I have in over a week. I truly hope this helps someone else!
note not taking any pain meds or sleep meds since I have to work in the mornings