Why is it so hard to make friends??

I've been on the app for more than a year now, and so far I haven't made any real friends. I've met up with 3 people in the last year and they either lived too far, stopped texting me back, or moved back to college in a different state. People on the app barely text back and it’s so draining. I feel so miserable not having friends. I'm in my early twenties and its so hard seeing people my age in friend groups doing fun activities, while I'm at home doing nothing. I feel as though, it'll only get harder making friends when I'm older because everyone will probably have their life long friends by then. I've been really sad about this ever since I graduated high school. I try to do things to get my mind off of not having friends, but the second I go on social media, I am reminded that I don't have any. I don't know if I should give up on the app or what. Is anyone having the same experience?