I know it's overkill, that's just who I am.
Needs to be Intel, I am just too uneasy about Ryzen at the moment. No real budget but let's say around $4k
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Ok so I am getting alot of flack for this build so I guess I should explain my thought process. I use my pc for 3 things. I play games, I host a plex server, and I'm an amateur photographer/videographer.
I originally thought that id go with a ryzen 1800x because the extra cores would really help with transcoding and serving multiple video streams through plex and photoshop/after effects would benefit as well. But then when designing a high end ryzen build I read alot about issues with memory due to it being such a new architecture. I really had my heart set on 32 gb ram in this system at 3000 or 3200 and due to the ryzen chip not playing nice yet I reconsidered.
I started thinking about how the last two systems I built were intel and things just worked. So I picked a chip that had more cores and a higher speed than my current 3930k does and figured it would be a substantial upgrade.
The last 2 systems I built were complete overkill that I got criticized about at the time but in both cases I never regretted it. I had powerful capable systems for 4+ years and it felt good knowing that my rig was ready to handle anything I threw at it today or a year from now.
My budget is approximately 4000 dollars and for that I need to play modern games at ultra settings on either a 4k screen or most likely an ultrawide 1440k screen at 144hz. I also need to be able to transcode and serve 3 simultaneous 1080p video streams to my plex users.
Oh and the case and psu I linked in the build are actually being saved from my current rig.