My 4070ti PC struggles with current gen games

I'm very amateurish to PC building but when I purchased this card, I thought I'd be good for the next decade for 60fps at at least 2k resolution. It's been 2 years and some current releases struggle to reach stable 30fps.

3 particular games that struggle are Helldivers 2, Silent Hill 2 and Monster Hunter Wilds (Comically, all these games have notoriously poor optimization, but I should be good, right?)

Sometimes games will make my computer spin it's fans really hard and it'll sound like the system wants to lift off, I think it's CPU-bound stuff?

I managed to grab all the relevant information in two screenshots through third party softwares

Basic system information

Task manager live monitoring, CPU temp and GPU-Z while playing Monster Hunter Wilds

Thank you to anyone who'll take time to check it out.

EDIT2: Here's two screenshots of task manager sorted by CPU usage and another by RAM usage while playing Monster Hunter Wilds

And here's my DxDiag

EDIT3: XMP can't be enabled, don't think my ram do that. It is 2x8gb using A2 and B2, showing up in BIOS as A-DATA 8192MB 3200MHz

(Probably) final edit: Here's a 3D mark benchmark after swimming all day in BIOS testing stuff, making benchmarks, prowling on the task manager, I decided to order a 12700k and 32 ram, partially because there was a good sale on newegg saving me a couple hundreds bucks. I am very grateful to all the assistance this got, this is the best tech support sub (I've made the exact same post on techsupport and only had flies buzzing) I'll probably make a follow-up thread or something about my build and performance