Question about New builds, CPU and MB
Currently I have a I510400F, 32mhz DDR4 2933mhz, RTX 3060. This thing is getting old
Im Looking to start building a new PC, I Spend around $350 at a time on my Affirm card, I never go higher than that and pay it off, Its how I got my 3060 a year ago, I dont need anything high end, I play some WoW and Fallout, and Fallout 76 when I have time. I work alot and have a toddler.
So Im looking to buy a CPU and MB when I pay this 3060 off next month. Im just gonna start a new PC, I cant upgrade this thing anymore and dont want to just Upgrade the CPU because its 10th Gen. and Im not gonna start with a new GPU because this CPU will just bottleneck it.
What is a good Combo to Start with for $350? Ive never owned am AMD Ryzen, But was thinking of trying a Ryzen 7 this time around. I Understand all the Intel Socket numbers and stuff, But the ryzens I dont understand which one is better, there's alot of numbers thrown into them. or I Might go for a 12th Gen Intel, they are not that expensive atm.
Maybe $250 for the CPU and $100 for the MB.
I Will Work Overtime to build the money for rest of the PC for a few months. I Will Probably try and get a 5060Ti in the future, Probably $1200 for the whole build.
TY in Advance for any advice!