9700x vs 9800X3D (1440p)

I know this question has been asked plenty before but I can't make heads nor tails as to what I should pick between an AM5 9700x vs a 9800X3D, even after doing plenty of research.

I'm currently running an i5 9700k which is starting to show it's age a bit. Whilst I do some work on my computer, it's not anything intensive past a few word docs open at a time so productivity is not a massive factor for me.

I play a massive variety of games, but at the minute I'm seeing a notable CPU bottleneck in simulator games such as DCS, MSFS2024, Squad, and HOI4 late game. I do play the odd competitive shooter (i.e Halo) but don't typically have much of an issue with FPS.

Currently running a dual 1440p monitor setup, but my secondary monitor is just for menial tasks whilst I game or do other things. I'm currently running an RTX 3070fe, but possibly looking to upgrade to a 5070fe when they release, or holding out for the 60 series. I will never run anything higher than a 70's card because I've never been able to justify the budget, and it's 50/50 whether I'll hold on to the 3070 for a while yet.

Ideally I don't want to upgrade the CPU, or change the chipset once I upgrade for another 5/6 years or so, because that's how long my i5 has lasted me before it's started showing it's age. But I'm just wondering whether a 9800x3d would be overkill if I'm never going to get a top spec GPU like a 5080/5090, and game at 1440p. I've tried looking at different benchmarks, and figures but it all just seems a bit here nor there. I was happy with the 9700x, but I've also heard that the X3D chip can get me better performance with simulator style games (which is the majority of what I play).

I'm just a bit stick at the minute as to what I can pick to give me longevity without breaking into the mortgage fund, any help would be massively appreciated!!