Odyssey g7 1440p Monitor flickers/flashes lines/freezes/crashes at 240hz

The monitor fails at 240hz or when I turn on adaptive sync. It runs fine at 144hz. I have a newly built pc with a gigabyte 4080 super.

I’ve tried 3 DisplayPort cables and all ports on gpu and monitor. A silkland 2.1 and monoprice 2.0 both purchased in the last 2 weeks and another I had laying around.

2 things of note.

  1. The issues happen mainly in windows. When I run a game flickers/lines are much less frequent, but that may be a coincidence since the PC is brand new. I haven’t played much on it.

  2. The monitor was purchased open box with a cracked case. I’ve used it for years on my ps5 at 120hz with no issues. I’m assuming it took a fall at some point but I’m not sure that would cause an issue only at higher refresh rates.