Should I drop my high paying night job?

So, I’ve been freelancing online for about 5 years now. In 2023, I started taking on more clients, handling 4-5 at a time. Right now, I have 2 full-time clients (both premium, I’d say) and 3 part-time jobs that I delegate to my cousins. The problem is I barely get 5 hours of sleep. It’s incredibly unhealthy, and I feel like my body is starting to give up on me.

I’m seriously considering dropping one of my full-time clients, but I don’t know which one,my evening (US-based) or morning (AUS-based) job.

My dilemma is I’ve been working with my US client for 5 years. Even though their sales are declining, they’ve never given me a reason to worry about job security. But because I wasn’t sure how stable things were, I took on an Australian client as a backup. Now, I have both. The US job pays really well (almost hitting 6 digits), but it’s also a night shift, which is messing me up.

I’ve been working nights since 2015 as a call center agent, and as a working student, and now as a freelancer. I feel like I’m pushing my body beyond its limits.

How do you convince yourself to choose health over money? 🥲