If you want to know my “street cred” you can look at my previous posts. I’m decently successful in bug bounty and have only been doing it for 8 months coming up on 9
Some people will think this is woo woo bullshit. That’s fine. All I can do is share what worked for me. You can do/believe what you want
Every time before I hack, I visualize myself finding a bug. I feel the happiness and joy from finding it
To be frank, I find at least a few bugs per week. That’s a far cry from when I started and I would be ecstatic if I could even find one bug per month
I swear to you, my technical skills are not that much different than before. I’ve obviously improved (and you will too if you keep at it) but I would’ve given up long ago if I didn’t believe this shit was possible
The last 8-9 months have been so much fun, truly. I’ve learned so much, made more money than ever and just had a blast
But if I allowed myself to get caught in negative thought cycles or give up every time a triager was a dummy, I would’ve given up long ago
Again, ik it’s a bit corny and some of you will brush it off. But mindset is more important than you think. Believe in yourself and your abilities
People find simple ass bugs everyday, why not you?