Are these bed bug bites?

context: I’ve never had bed bugs before, my house is pretty clean, and i wash my bedding at least twice a month. these bites popped up after 8am, which is the time i go into work at a hospital. the line of bumps slowly started to get red as time goes on, with the top one being red first, as i’ve scratched it (the bumps are itchy) and it’s one of the biggest bumps. i don’t know what these are, but i know they’re not mosquito bites. today i just started using my moms boyfriends car, which he’s not as clean as most people, and will be using the car fora while till i can get a new one (i got into an accident recently so mine is totaled). idk if this bit of information is relevant or not.

also found something on my armpit that i don’t know what it is, but it’s probably unrelated. pictures of that are at the end of the slideshow

any advice would be very helpful