This new mode is impossible!! In your opinion what are you thinking ??
The difficulty of this mode is extremely high and not at all rewarding. You spend approximately 5 - 8 hrs playing this mode to try to get to level 5 (which is VERY difficult) and when you reach the last phase of the boss you lose in the first round.Because, simply 10 DDT appear and no kidding I think you can have the best combination of artifacts you will LOSE!
you gain practically nothing for advancing through the levels. At most it holds an artifact (which honestly is useless). The only artifact that really counts is the one that gives permanent camouflage to all monkeys and still spends 9 artifact points.
o'which ends up limiting you to choosing just that one to start the run. Apart from that you don't earn anything (money/achievements/good amount of xp) just hours lost. I expected much more this way sincerely.
It is thought that the normal mode is TOO HARD EVEN imagine the CHIMPS mode must be practically UNPOSSIBLE to pass.