Ways to improve Rogue Legends:

  1. Have the starting round increase by 2 for every ending round increase by 3.
    • Currently, the starting round increases by 1 for every ending round increase by 3.
    • When red bloon tiles get really long, the game becomes a slog to get through, especially since your strategy and the bloon waves are going to be the exact same every time.
  2. Give an opportunity to collect monkeys / increase upgrades after every red bloon tile.
    • This is the fast progression roguelikes need.
    • As mentioned above, since the gameplay revolves around using the same strategy over the same bloon waves, we almost deserve to have a fast progression to counter it.
    • Campfires should remain only for artifact upgrades / healing.
  3. Allow backing out of the “choosing new monkeys” screen.
    • We should be able to see the options before locking into a decision.
  4. Allow shops to sell monkeys.
  5. When sending an artifact to your permanent collection, send all lower tiers of that artifact too.
  6. Upon campaign completion, allow sending multiple / all equipped artifacts to your permanent collections.
    • Collecting 1 singular artifact every ~1.4 hours sucks.

Points 1 and 2 are the big ones though, as roguelikes should feel much much faster and I shouldn’t have to wait until stage 4 or 5 just to get a couple of my monkeys to the desired upgrade tiers.

Upgrading is already a risky decision, as it makes the tower more expensive; we don’t need the opportunity costs too.