Okay the Maternity photos need their own separate post along with some from the photographer's page that really made me twitch.
That is NOT YOUR FACE GIRL! One of the few times she has actually tagged the photographer in the photos. But why did she choose one that literally does and advertised NUDE MATERNITY PHOTOS. Very MODEST. Very CHRISTIAN! For someone who needs everyone in the room to be a Christian while in Labor, idk how this is fucking consistent. Also the retouching service she offers makes me so ill. To erase your physical features like that pains me. Instead of being told you are beautiful and accepting your body how it is and how far it's got you, you just have the photographer erase that. How sad. And listen, I'm not a body positivity person, more of a body neutrality person. My body has betrayed me so many times so I totally get being upset and annoyed and disappointed in your body, BUT I go to therapy to work on those things. So I don't hear my Ex telling me how fat and disgusting I've gotten. How unattractive it is to see a "fat shelf" on your abdomen. I fucking GET IT. But I would never ask the photographer to filter and Photoshop the shit out of my liver Resection scar. Come on!
Bonus Kellie and Farryn having a normal one.