Which is heavier: Pissing down or bucketing down?

EDIT: Thank you all for settling this and for keeping us entertained this afternoon. I bloody knew I was right! Based on your input, we’ve updated the generally agreed upon scale of the wetness of rain (the gausoWOR 2.0?) to the following:

  1. Smells like/feels like it’s gonna rain
  2. Few drops here and there
  3. Sprinkling / spitting
  4. Mizzle
  5. Showers
  6. Drizzle
  7. Nice weather for ducks
  8. Raining
  9. Pouring
  10. Cats and dogs
  11. Pissing down
  12. Bucketing
  13. Fucketing
  14. Biblical



All our local creeks are up so we’re flooded in and running low on coffee and patience. Need some help to settle a dispute and distract us please.

This morning during a particularly heavy downpour I remarked to my husband that it was absolutely bucketing down. To which he replied - nope, it’s more than bucketing, it’s bloody pissing down. And a debate ensued.

So I’m pretty certain that bucketing is heavier than pissing. I mean there’s an unofficial but generally accepted scale and bucketing is the heaviest. Right?? Plus I’m a nurse so I do know a thing or two about pissing (re volume and velocity etc). But my husband is a pilot so he thinks he knows everything. about weather. Yeah so that’s where we’re at.

I’m arguing the scale goes like this:

  1. Smells like/feels like rain
  2. Drop or two/few drops here and there
  3. Spitting
  4. Drizzling
  5. Shower
  6. Rain
  7. Pouring rain
  8. Pissing down
  9. Bucketing
  10. Biblical (torrential and relentless)

He says that ‘spitting’ is unnecessary because it’s not different enough from a few drops to warrant a separate entry. And also that pissing is heaps heavier than bucketing so those two need to be swapped.
