What does your 3 month old look like while nursing? How do you know they’re done?

There’s a lot going on at once here and trying to figure out if we’re having issues or if it’s just normal baby progression.

My little one is 12 weeks today (a big guy though weight/height wise). The last 5-6 days he’s been really… frantic when feeding is the only word I’ll describe- super wiggly, often latching on and off, waving arms like crazy. I’m having trouble telling when he’s “finished” as he doesn’t really seem satisfied after a feed, I sorta just cut him off once he’s unlatched like 10 times and he’s been offered both sides. He seems to be playing normally and sleeping normally otherwise as far as I can tell. Overnight I don’t luckily have this issue as he is calmer, drinks well basically just falls asleep at the breast, just during the day.

How do you tell when your 3 month old is done feeding?

There’s a few confounders here too all happening at once:

-I think I’ve hit my “milk supply regulation” this week as I definitely don’t feel as full. I’ve tried pumping a couple times and seem to get a normal amount, maybe a touch less -he had a bit of a cold (sniffles/sneezing) about a week ago which seems to be mostly resolved, I figured he was cluster feeding around this time for comfort but its sort of transitioned into where we are now -he had a tongue tie revision at 8 weeks- worried that this may have reattached? We were having trouble with latch before that and I was doing a lot of pumping, post revision we had a great feeding relationship for about… 3 weeks and now we’re here LOL breastfeeding just loves to play with your emotions!! -I find he’s starting exploratory hands-to-mouth now so its getting harder to tell when he’s hungry vs playing

Having trouble telling whether this is normal growing wiggly baby or if we’re having some trouble. Any advice/experiences would be appreciated!!