how long do you plan to breastfeed/pump for?
I am SO sick of my coworkers asking me this. My baby just turned 8 months old on Monday. The amount of times I get asked this recently is getting really frustrating. “Are you going to stop after he turns 1?” it’s actually NONE of your business ?!?!?!? I just started responding with “as long as I need to” My goal was 1 year but I don’t understand why it’s seen as “weird” after 1 years old to continue breastfeeding/pumping … In my mind, why would I stop giving him my milk when he turns 1 just to switch over to cow’s milk ? There are still benefits to breastfeeding/pumping after 1 years old. I wish people weren’t so judgmental
EDIT: I forgot to add that at 6 months one of my coworkers said to me “are you done being a cow yet” and she’s said it twice so far 🙃