“I don’t know how to help you” -Breastfeeding Medicine Specialist
I’m 15 weeks PP. I had an unplanned C-section with lots of blood loss but baby latched right away. My milk took some time to come in and my baby lost a lot of weight in the first few days, then it took several weeks to get it back on. We did a triple feeding method for weeks, basically until my husband went back to work and it became overwhelming to me. Nursing took a backseat… I would really only breastfeed in the evening when he was able to help with bottle feeding while I pumped after nursing.
Here we are at 15 weeks and LO isn’t wanting the boobie anymore. If I can get him to latch, he’ll stay on for a few minutes, then pop off and fuss and fuss until I give him a bottle. I’ve seen multiple lactation consultants who couldn’t help, then went in today for a breastfeeding study with a breastfeeding medicine specialist and she basically told me she can’t help. There’s nothing wrong.
I’m so tired of the emotional rollercoaster but I want the developmental benefits of breastfeeding for my baby… and I want that bonding time with him.
Feeling so defeated because I thought we’d get some answers today.