I genuinely don't know what happened..I don't want to stop

4 months postpartum

So I got my period for the second time now. And this time I'm actually genuinely worried about my supply. The first time it came around once I started bleeding my supply came back and we didn't worry as much, well this time around it's like my baby gets 2 min of a letdown and then is struggling to get anything out. (I usually check by squeezing behind my nipple)

Well normally she'll feed off of one side but now I'm just doing left right left right left right in hopes that she's getting something and not popping off. Normally nothing has caused issues even though I don't worry too much about diet or water intake. I also stopped taking my Ritalin in hopes it was that but no change. (I researched that it could effect prolactin)

Am I just screwed until my period ends? I ordered some shativaria in hopes that could help