Biting/scraping when unlatching

My 14mo has started to bite/scrape my nipple when she unlatches. It's mainly on the left boob where she's broken skin and has caused blood. She bites on the right side occasionally but it hasn't broken skin/bled on that side. She's done it the last several days and I've put lanolin cream on after. Still hurts. Ugh.

She is cutting her top canines and first molars on both sides and I know that's no fun for her either. We do cradle position for both sides.

I say a stern "no biting, that hurts" and put her down before nursing the other side. She doesn't seem too bothered when put down but will come back after a bit to nurse again.

I'd like to be able to nurse for another month or two while gradually weaning. This is making it much harder. I find myself getting anxious when she's nursing for the pending bite that is most likely happening when she unlatches.

Should I wait longer after she bites before putting her back on?

Any tips or advice would be helpful. Thank you