I don't think the universe wants me to breastfeed my daughter
First she had a shallow latch due to a lip and tongue tie. We worked past that with positioning and perseverance and she feeds wonderfully now.
Then, she had colic symptoms and mucus and blood in her stool and lost some weight despite eating well. Milk and soy protein intolerance. Fine - I'll just change my diet. She is back on her curve and is happy and thriving.
Next I realized I needed a freezer stash to prepare to go back to work. I struggle to get any pump output until I finally find a pump and routine that works well for me. Now I pump an extra 4-7 oz per day and have a beautiful freezer stash in the works.
Now here we are 9 weeks postpartum. I go back to work in 2 months and it seems like I'm set up for success, right? Wrong. She no longer accepts milk that has been previously frozen. I sniff and taste the milk. Soapy as all heck. After only 5 days in the freezer. I guess I have high-lipase milk.