Help with discussion points for a mother who thinks one year old baby is “too old” to breastfeed and condescendingly shares that with me under guise of “loving advice.”

My LO is one and EBF. We nurse at morning, night, sometimes for naps and have no plans to stop. She’s eating well, and I have no concern about her nutrition coming from food.

Well, my mother (who exclusively formula fed her kids.. for context, no disparagement), is of strong opinion that my LO is too old for the breast. I’ll ask for specific rationales, and of course she has none. I point out AAP and WHO both recommend bf up to 2 years or as long as desired by mom and baby. I mention benefits to both mom and baby incurred by breastfeeding. And once she’s confronted with the fact that the scientific community disagrees, she then pivots to her ultimate argument: I’m clearly just not taking care of myself. I can only assume she means in reference to my weight, but she won’t say that specifically, just dance around its

And, it is true I weigh more than I’ve ever weighed, and it’s an insecurity of mine. I’m trying to lose it. BF has made that difficult, it is true.

Well, if I get defensive, or snap back at her, she’ll take that as a “win” and know she got to me. As much as I might like to do that, I don’t want to give her that satisfaction. What are some more level headed arguments I may present that can cut her off at this pass? Thank you.