I have no idea what I’m doing lol help!
My baby is 6 weeks old and we’ve been supplementing with formula (about 2 ounces almost every feed at the end). I would love to get to the point where I can feed him most of the day and night, and just pump and let my husband feed him at the end of the day when he’s home. Right now my little one seems to be cluster feeding, but after about 5 minutes he starts acting like he’s not getting anything (pulling and fussing). How long do I let him do this before I give him a bottle?
My lactation nurse told me he might have a tie as well, but his doctor said his upper lip is pretty mobile and to really try to flip his upper lip up and give it a few more weeks. Is there any hope for me? I am getting a new pump in the mail next week and plan on pumping to increase my supply, but idk what else to do 🥲 TIA