Feeding every 2 hours
Hi everyone, I’m a FTM with a 5 week old who is EBF and so far she’s been sleeping ok, sometimes even allowing me 3-4 hour stretches which I’m honestly thankful for. Last night she wouldn’t let us sleep and was wide awake so I tried feeding her which put her to sleep. She woke up two hours later and wouldn’t sleep so I fed her again and she fell sleep. As soon as I was beginning to drift off she woke up again crying so I held her and fed her and she fell asleep. She wasn’t showing any hunger cues but gladly took my breast. I held her upright for 15 minutes and laid her down. She’s a pretty gassy baby and is grunting in her sleep as I type this. My question is: am I doing this right? Should I be waiting for my baby to show hunger cues and then feed her? By feeding her every two hours am I exacerbating her gas pains? Would appreciate any advice!