Sudden increase in spit up at 4 months?
My LO is 4 months. He has always spit up here or there but not even with every feeding. He is EBF and has a bottle of pumped milk on occasion for dreamfeed or if I am away, To give some background we recently have moved him to his own room as we were co-sleeping and I was falling asleep nursing in odd positions and needed my bed back. I still feed him 2-3 times per night. He eats on demand but usually every 2.5-3 hours during the day. Recently this week I have noticed a huge increase in spit-ups. My first had terrible reflux and I know it peaks at this age but I never pegged him to be a reflux baby. Anyone else experience this? Is it maybe because of the room change he is trying to take more during the day and taking too much? Something I am eating? I haven't really changed my diet.