I hate breastfeeding

I’m over breast feeding. My baby is almost 4 weeks and it’s been a struggle since the beginning. I’ve been to three lactation specialist appointments, not including the LS I saw in the hospital. So, I’ve seen three different specialists who have all told me different things. When I got home from the hospital, I contracted some sort of flu so I was sick for over a week and almost lost my supply. Once I had energy, I started consistently pumping and now have more than enough to feed my baby. I keep attempting to BF but there are numerous issues. The main issues being how painful it is. Her latch is clearly wrong and I’ve tried everything to fix it. She will not open her mouth big enough and then it turns into her fussing about and it gets worse. BF also hurts my back. The time it takes is so much longer and the LS has told me to take her off once she’s done feeding and don’t allow her to stay on the boob using me as a pacifier. Well, easier said than done. When she starts crying and fussing every time I take her off, it’s easier to just allow her to comfort nurse. But, when this happens I end up stuck on the couch for two hours having her cluster feeding and falling asleep. I have already sacrificed so much of my body I can’t handle the raw sore nipples every time she feeds. Pumping is so much more convenient for me but every time I speak to the lactation specialist they tell me to stop and focus on breast feeding.

Edit: thank you everyone so much for your help! I’ve continued to try and breastfeed but we hit another road block. My flow is now to strong and my baby gags and doesn’t want the boob. I’m Now trying to decrease my supply to try and slow down my flow. Thanks again, everyone!