Flat nipples, bloody mess and exclusively pumping

So I have flat nipples. And very large breasts too, so much I'm worried about suffocating the baby (and latching onto them is probably like trying to latch onto a flat wall). In hospital the baby couldn't latch at all, so they offered me nipple shields. It was a bloody mess. She bit down on the shields before latching properly and mangled them so badly it was just one big scab. Honestly I'd rather have birthed her again than breastfeed like that, and I had no epidural mind you... We went through 4 different nipple shields, sized by lactation consultants, various shapes and sizes, but all had the same effect. After many tears I went home and switched to pumping. She's almost 2 weeks now and after my nipples healed we tried to train her to latch, but she just gets frustrated and cries when offered breast, even if the nipple is wet with milk and prepared with a pump. It's mostly a rant, because I don't expect internet to help when lactation consultants couldn't, but still - if anyone has some advice or could share a similar situation I'd love to hear it.